Motelo sanango, trompetero sacha
Abuta grandifolia  
Me:nispennaceae (Dicotiledónea)

A fine with  typical  flat fines.

Used for
 Anemy,  30 g in one litre of water. two times a day a cup.

Post-operatorive bleedings: Cook 50 gr in 1.5 litre of water, till it is reduced to one litre.Every three houres a cup.

Reumatism: Macerado in aguardfiente 50 grams, three times a day a small cup for 8 days


 Diabetes: Maceration of powdered  bark in a litre aqua. Half a cup  after every meal for 30 days.

Painfull menstruation: 30 gr of bark in a  litre of cooked water (hot); One cup three times a day.

 Afrodisíac, female sterility and bleedings: a mix of root and sticks, equal amounts,with
honey, left to macerate for  six days.
Small cup three times a day.
